33 Free Shopping Websites Templates To Attract Shopaholics 2019

Free Shopping Websites Templates

Online stores are one of the booming industries all over the world. There is no surprise in Jeff Bezos becoming the world’s richest man. If you take a look at the Billionaire index you can see most of the richest people are from the technology sector. eCommerce is a perfect blend of technology and traditional shopping. These free shopping websites templates will help you create a powerful website for your online store.
The most popular online shopping sites are Amazon, eBay, Walmart, and Alibaba. Each of them has their own strong customer base. These free shopping websites templates have the design and basic options that you found in the top brands mentioned above to help you start a successful online store. If you are planning to make a site like Etsy, which is famous for selling handmade items, we have covered you with that as well. The minimal design templates will help you showcase handcrafted and vintage items elegantly to the users. In fact, there is more design for all your needs in this free shopping templates list, make sure you check all of them.


Winter is a clean website template for online apparel stores. If you are looking for free shopping websites templates to power your apparel brand’s online store, this one will be a good choice. The creator of the template has given us big image spaces for the product to let the audience clearly see the products. Hover effects are used smartly to show the product rating, price, and quick actions like favorite and add to cart. Other unique pages included in this shopping template are user login page and order tracking page. If you are planning to convert these free shopping websites templates into a WordPress theme, then you have plenty of plugins for the order tracking function. Since this template is made using the latest HTML5 and CSS3 scripts, developers can easily work with this template.


Vegefoods is a unique shopping website template in this free shopping websites templates list. This template is made for online grocery shopping. On the clean white layout, the green vegetable images give a refreshing look to the website. Plus, the clean layout makes the colorful vegetable images even more vibrant and attractive. Useful elements like animated counters, subscription forms, and testimonials help you to give an interactive feel to the users. Along with the shopping pages, the creator has also given wishlist pages and checkout pages. Using free shopping websites templates like this will make your job simple.


Aranoz is another unique online store website. This website template is designed for online furniture websites. With light colors and smooth animation effects, this template presents your products elegantly to the audience. On the homepage header section, you have a big image slider at the top and category section right below it to direct the users to the product sections as soon as they land on your website. Since it is a furniture website template, you get a slightly different single product page. Right below the product you have user reviews, comments, and related products. If you are looking for free shopping websites templates that are different from usual designs, this template will impress you.


If you are brand focused free shopping websites templates, this template is the one for you. Thoughtfully designed homepage not only let you showcase your featured product but also let you give a clear idea of your brand and what makes you unique from other online stores. Like most other free shopping websites templates in this list, this one is also an apparel store website template. In the default design, you can see that the creator has consistently used a color scheme throughout the template. If you are having a brand color, then you can use it on your website for better branding.


Winkel is another brad focused website template like the Minishop template mentioned above. In this template, the creator has used the space smartly to show the information clearly to the user. For example, in the top bar, you have space to mention your delivery date and return timing. The creator has used a pristine layout so that your products will look rich. All basic shopping website pages like the product page, cart page, and checkout pages are given in this template. All you have to do is to do the back-end work and customization part.


Modist is a modish looking website template for online apparel stores and fashion accessory stores. The designer of this template has made it with elegance and style, in which your product looks great. The homepage of this template has been designed thoughtfully, it answers all the questions that would normally arise in a user’s head when they try a new store. Proper sectioning and bold typography help the user to easily interact with your website. All the basic pages right from the shopping page to the checkout page, everything is pre-designed for you. Once you are done with back-end integration work, you can launch your website right away.


Divisima is a proper commercial website template with all the elements at the right spot. Bright colors are used to highlight the best selling products and new offers. Each section and image holders are made bigger so that the user can clearly see your products. Premade big banners are given in this template to help you easily promote the products. The top bar of the homepage is used smartly with useful elements like a search bar, user login option, and cart page link. Right from the product page to the checkout page, everything is given in this template.


Aroma is a multipurpose eCommerce website template. Whether you are selling gadgets or fashion apparel, this template will help you make a successful online store. The designer has made use of the full-width layout with big product images and bold texts. Since it is a mobile responsive website, these big elements will help the user to easily interact with the website from mobile devices. A professional blue color scheme is used throughout the template which gives a rich look to the pristine clean design of this template. On the shopping page, you have filter options to narrow down the search result. Plus, you have space to add top-selling products to make the users spend more time on your website.


Selling website template is made purely for the online apparel stores. The pristine clean design of the template makes the colorful products look vibrant. If you concentrate more on the brick & mortar stores and looking for a simple website to say about your business, this is the template for you. Since it is a one-page template, you can manage the website easily in the long run. You can showcase your best products and let the user place their orders on your website. Though the original website template is simple, it has the potential to make a user-friendly website.


Eiser is a simple and elegant looking website template. The uncluttered design of the template let the user easily search and find the products they like. Hover effects are used to show useful quick actions like adding product to the product and to the wishlist. Along with all other basic eCommerce website pages, you also get order tracking pages pre-designed for you. All the basic features are covered in this template. You have to take care of the backend integration and launch your website.


Karma website template is primarily designed for online footwear stores. The clean simple design of this template helps you to add more products in a single page without making them look crowded. Pre-made banners and ad sections are given in this template to help you easily promote your business. Visual effects are very subtle in this template and it adds richness to your product. Bright colors are used in the color scheme of this template, which draws user attention to the required web elements easily. In the shopping page, you have filter options with interactive sliders to help the user easily search and find the elements they are interested in.


Shoppers is an eCommerce website template for apparel stores. This template is clean, simple and does its job perfectly. Lots of white space is given between each element, so no matter how many products you add in one-page, they will be showcased neatly. Like all other online stores, this one also has plenty of image space in its default design. Hover effects are used to show the products clearly to the users. The homepage of this template is kept simple, where you have space to list the categories, promotional banners, and add a few of your featured products. If you are making the website for a branded store, then you can use this template as such without any customizations.
Trendy violet color is used for the web elements, which looks attractive on the clean white background. On the shop page, you have filter options on the left sidebar to narrow down the search. Sliders are also given in the filter options to give an interactive feel to the users. Single product pages are also given in this template with options to select the quantity and size of the product. This template includes all the pages you need in an online store. Right from the shopping page to place order page, everything is pre-designed for you.


Fashiop is designed exclusively for cloth stores. In the Shoppers template, you get options for accessories as well, but in the Fashiop you get elements only related to the cloth store. Hover effects are used effectively on the homepage to let the users easily add a product to the wishlist and cart, without going to the product page. In the top bar, you have quick access links for contact, account settings, and user login and registration. The creator of this template has included both login form and registration forms, so you no need to spend your time in adding one.
Visual effects are used effectively in this template, they guide the users to the next process without taking much of their time. The Fashiop will give the best user experience for your users. A bright blue color scheme is used in the template, which looks attractive on the clean white background. This template also includes every page from the shop page to the confirmation page. All you need to do is to integrate this template with your shopping platform. In all the subpages you have an email subscription form to increase the chances of getting new leads.


aStar is a unique looking website template, which is a perfect option for new stores. This template is filled with lots of promotional elements. With cool visual effects, this template genuinely promotes your business. Flat style design and bright color web elements help you to highlight your best products elegantly to the users. A sticky left sidebar is used in this template to list all the navigation options and currency switching options. Speaking of currency switching option, this is a free HTML template, so you can’t expect a fully functional optional.
You have to manually work on the backend side to make the features fully functional. Apart from the homepage, you also have pages for cart and blog pages pre-designed for you. The footer section of the template is made big enough to list all the important page links like the disclaimer and return policies. Just like in the Fashiop template, you have a newsletter subscription form in all the sub-pages. For an effective email marketing campaign, take a look at our free email template collection with trendy design.


Footwear website template is designed exclusively for footwear stores. For example, on the product page, you have the option to select the foot size and the quantity. The cart page is also designed smartly, the user can easily change the quantity value and remove a product from the cart. Just before the checkout button, you have a text box for the coupon code. If you are offering special offers for your partner referrals, this option will be helpful. Again, to make this feature fully functional you have to take care of the backend process.
You can even convert this template to the WooCommerce platform, in which you have plenty of plugins to extend your feature. In all the subpages you have a flash news bar at the top to show the upcoming offers and products on sale. If you are running a flash sale or offer sale, make sure you run a social media campaign. As most of the social media users follow an online store website page to know about the latest offers.


Listashop is a modish looking modern shopping website template. With the neat professional looking homepage, you can list the latest products, best categories, and deals elegantly. Each section on the homepage is treated as a content block. Shadow effects are used to highlight the content blocks from the background. The full-width layout of this template gives you plenty of space to add web elements and banners. On the homepage, you have space to add promotional banners in between the section.
On hovering over the product you get the option to add it to the cart or to the favorite list. Along with the shopping page, you also get other necessary pages like cart page, checkout page, and confirmation page. Listashop is the best option for brand stores and medium level online stores. It is a complete package with all the options you need to create an effective online store.


Sublime is a boxy style shopping website template. The default design of this template is based on the online electronic product selling website; if you are about to create a website for that category, then you can use this template as such. You can also use this template for other purposes as well. Each product on the homepage is treated as a content block so you have plenty of space to add your product image. Labels are used to indicate new products and offers. In all the subpages at the header, you have an image section, which you can use to add promotional banners and offers related to that category. Another element you see in all the subpage is a subscription form. The default design of this template makes it the best option for the new online stores.


From the name itself you can understand that this template is made for the wine-related businesses. Since it is a different type of shopping website, you get a different layout from other free shopping websites templates in this list. In this template, you have options to show how you make your wines and customer testimonials to improve your credibility. The creator has given you room for improvement and also made the code script simple for easier customizations.


Amado is a perfect minimal website template for online stores. The designer of this template gives you all the options you need in an e-commerce website in a minimal format. Images are given more importance in this website layout so that you can add high-resolution images without shrinking them. Hover effects are used to show the slideshow of the related product images. If you are about to use this template in the WooCommerce platform, it can handle it easily, because it already has the basic features of the WooCommerce. The shopping page uses a three-column-like design where you also get the filter options near the navigation sidebar.


Essence is a clean looking shopping website template with lots of white space. The homepage of the template allows you to add only a few elements to maintain the clean look, but if you need you can customize it. The template uses the latest HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap framework with industrial code standards, so other developers will also find it easy to work with this template.
The drop-down menu in this template is actually a mega menu so that you can categories the menu option and you can even add promotional banners. Visual effects used in this template are smart and will improve the user interaction lot more simple. At the top bar, you have the option to add a search bar, profile link, and cart page link. If you are about to create a dashboard for your users so that they can review their shopping history easily, take a look at our admin templatecollection list.


Wish is a bold looking eCommerce website template with lots of trendy elements. With fully stretched web elements the designer of this template has made use of the full-width layout effectively. On the homepage you have a big image slider with bold texts, the transition effects are sleek and quick. The homepage of this template is relatively long when compared to other templates mentioned above. Bold texts and bigger web elements made interactions easier even in small screen devices. In all the subpages you have mage banners at the top which gives you the options to add banners and page breadcrumbs. On the shop page, you have a filter option at the left corner so that the user can easily find the product they want.

Coza Store

Coza Store is the best pick for online apparel stores. The unique feature of this template is it gives you three homepage variations, each one has a slight design variation. This template uses different types of image sliders with flashy animation effects; the best thing about it is all created using the HTML5 and CSS3 framework. When you use an addon like Revolution slider you get more options on the transition effects, but if you are content with the default transition effect given in this template you can use it as such. The homepage of this template is straightforward, as soon as the users land on the site they will see the products. Apart from the product section on the homepage you also get a separate shop page. All products open in a lightbox with the option to add buy and add to cart buttons.

One Tech

One Tech is an online electronic store website template. This template has a typical eCommerce store layout with lots of space to list all your products in one place. Visual effects are used effectively to present the contents elegantly to the users. In between sections you have a big image banner to add promotional offers and special offers. Important content blocks are highlighted using the shadow effects to make it look different from other products on the homepage.
In the homepage, you have an always hanging category box option so that the user can easily jump to the shopping section they want. At the top bar, you have the option to add a user registration option and logging option. This template doesn’t pack the signup form and login form in its package but fear not we made a complete list of free registration form templates and login form templates take a look at it for design inspirations.


Karl is a fashion store website template with vogue design. The creator of this template has combined both creative design and visual effects to make it engaging. The bold design of this template helps you to get user attention easily plus allows you to elegantly promote your best products. The red color scheme is an interesting choice by the designer, you can genuinely ask the user attention on an element. On the homepage, you have the option to add a few products in each category to show users the glimpses of your collection. Animation effects are used effectively throughout the template to showcase your products. The navigation menu options are added at the top bar and the filter options are hidden in the hamburger menu.


Persuit is the best website template for freelance web developers and web development agencies. This template has six homepage variation with different layouts and plenty of useful options, which the developer will find it extremely useful. The creator of this template has already taken care of the basic features of a modern website template like optimizations and mobile responsive. All you have to do is to customize this template to fit your needs and take care of the backend process. Since this template uses the latest HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap framework you can integrate this template with any modern tools and platforms without any worries. This template has all the subpages to kick-start your website in no time.


Store is a perfect simple website template for online stores. This colorful website template is for the online clothes shopping website template. The minimal design of this template helps you to elegantly display your products and the colorful clothes look more vibrant on this template. On the clean white background, the bright yellow colors look attractive and help you to highlight important texts easily. The designer of this template has also given you blog template designs, if you are into content marketing and SEO strategy this blog design will come in handy for you. Since it is an apparel store, most image holders in this template are in portrait orientations. Anyway, you still have landscape image holders in the category and banner sections.


Electro, as the name implies this template is specifically designed for the online electronic store. But the default design of this template is versatile enough to handle any kind of online store. The homepage of this template is straightforward and no fancy stuff used on the homepage. On the clean white background, the red web elements look attractive. Below each product, you have a review element and pricing table. Other useful elements you get with this template are carousels and countdown timers. All the navigation options and search options are kept at the top bar for easy access. A small bummer with this template is it only includes the homepage design. You can use this template as a base to create your own custom website template.


Watch is the best free website template for a brand-oriented website template. Nike is one of the brand focused online store in which the user spends at least four minutes on an average. If you are about to start a website like that, the watch template can help you. The corporate style website template helps you to share your product features interactively with the users. As a trust-building factor, this template gives you a testimonial and review section in its design. The gradient color scheme of the template looks attractive on the clean white background. You can even use this template for a business website as well. As it is an HTML5 template you can add video contents easily to this template.


EShop is the go-to template for most of the store owners. The designer of this template is versatile and has all the options you would normally expect in an online store. This template is in a perfect working condition from the front end. All you have to do is to take care of the integration part and the backend processes. The long homepage design gives you more than enough space to list all your product based and also can categorize them. Just like in the One Tech template mentioned above this one also have an always hanging category option on the homepage. Though most space is reserved for the image holders you still have space to add texts in this template. Visual effects, on the other hand, it is clean and simple to get user attention.


Fashe is a clean looking website template. This free template includes many options and features that you might have seen in premium templates, which makes this template a unique one in this list of free shopping websites templates. The author of this template has given you three homepage variations and all the three have their own unique layout style. In all the variations lots of white space is given so that no matter how many contents you add to this template it can display them neatly. Visual effects are another notable thing in this template, based on the layout different animation effects are used in this template. The fashe is a perfect option for any type of online store and can help you take your website up a notch.


Coloshop website template can be used as a base to develop your custom website template. This template gives you only the homepage design and you have to take care of the rest of the page. Or else you can use this template as a starter design for the business which is about to start newly. In the header, you have a big static image with bold texts and call to action buttons. The new arrival section has a tabbed interface so that the user can easily jump between the category they want. This template uses the latest HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap framework so working with this template will be an easy job for the developers.


Shop is a colorful one-page website template. Either you can use this template as a landing page template for your campaign or you can use this as a base to create a complete website. On the clean white background, the gradient color scheme looks attractive and also matches with the modern web design trends. Each section in this template is made big enough to help you add big images and contents neatly. Visual effects are used only at the required spots to make this template the best fit for professional use. Other useful elements you get in this template are a countdown timer, carousels, and image widgets. In the footer, you have space to add Instagram feeds and social media profile links.

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