35 Free Photo Gallery Templates To Elegantly Display Your Work

Either you are a professional photographer or a traveler, who likes to share your photographs with the world, these free photo gallery templates will give life to your photos. When it comes to photo gallery design, the most commonly used format is the grid style. Some of the creative templates use creative horizontal scrolling, full-page sliders, and thumbnail grids.

 Photo Gallery Templates
                                                                   Photo Gallery Templates

In most modern HTML5 templates, the visual effects are great and smooth. Since most of the common effects are added to the core of HTML5 and CSS3, modern templates are lighter and interactive. Some of the free photo gallery templates in this list use creative and attractive visual effects. These effects present your photographs elegantly to the users and let the users relive the moment with your photographs.


website template for professional photographers
Photographer is a straightforward interactive website template for professional photographers. On the homepage, you have space to add only a small photo gallery to give a sneak peek of your portfolio and an about section with an animated skill bar. The image gallery on the homepage is treated as an animated image slider and the thumbnail sizes are reasonably big for you to show the image clearly to the audience. Apart from the homepage gallery section, the creator has given us three gallery layouts. In all three gallery layouts, you have a filter option at the top to easily find the category you want. Since the creator has used a minimal design in this template, the animation effects are very less. Using free photo gallery templates like this will help you display your work elegantly to the audience.


gallery website template to handle images and videos
If you are looking for free photo gallery templates with a one-page design, this is the template for you. Though it is a one-page template, the creator has given you all the necessary features and sections to make a proper business website. The whole template is treated as a vertical slider. On the right-hand side, you have pagination dots with tooltips to clearly indicate on which section you are in. The creator has used a dark theme layout in this template which not only gives a rich look to the template but also makes the content neat and clear on the website. Like most other free photo gallery templates in this list, this one is also an HTML5 based website template, hence you can add videos easily to this gallery template.

Capture 2

photo gallery template for wedding photographers
Capture 2 website template is designed for wedding photographers. The neat professional design of this template helps you elegantly present your content photographs and promote your services. In all the webpages, the header section is used smartly to promote your services. Using thoughtfully designed free photo gallery templates like this will help you get more customers. The creator has used both light and dark color schemes smartly in this template, hence you can elegantly highlight the important section and content from the others on the webpage. In this photo gallery template, the creator has given us the full-page photo gallery viewer to clearly see the photos and videos.


clean and interactive website template
If you are looking for free photo gallery templates with an interactive project style design, this template will impress you. This photo gallery template helps you to explain the project and share the story behind the photos. Lots of white space is used in this template to help you present the content neatly to the audience. The given layout is unique and neat but the creator hasn’t used any animations on the elements. Like most other free photo gallery templates in this list, this one is also made using the latest CSS3 and Bootstrap 4 framework. Hence, it can handle all modern animation and hover effects.


interactive website template for professional websites
The Porto template is made for the studio and agency website template. Since this template is designed from a business perspective you get promotional elements along with the gallery layout. Like few other free photo gallery templates in this list, this one also uses a black theme. The advantage of using a black theme on a photography website is your photographs will look more vibrant and clean. To let you clearly explain the photograph project, the creator has given you a single project page. A promotional banner is placed near the footer section, which will increase the chances of converting the visitors into leads/customers.


In the Capture website template, though you have a separate gallery page, the homepage is also treated as a gallery page. If you are a freelance photographer, free photo gallery templates like this will help you showcase your best shots and impress the audience as soon as they land on the website. To keep your photographs undisturbed, all the navigation options are put on the sticky sidebar. The about page of this template is used to give a quick intro about you and your services. In the gallery, all the images are placed one after another without any gap to fill up the screen space effectively.


Thumber is a unique website template made purely for photography websites. This template not only helps you showcase the design but allow present them engagingly using slide show animation. We have made a separate post to help you make impressive slideshow presentations. In this template, the developer has used the latest HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap 4 framework. Hence, you get a lively website that loads faster on all types of devices. The default design of the template makes it a good fit for personal websites. Apart from the big homepage image slider, you also get a separate gallery page to list all your photographs in one place.


Shutter is a perfect website template for professional photographer websites. The whole website design revolves around the photograph. On the homepage, you have only a gallery section to curate your users. If you are using this template for business purposes, make sure you add some space for texts to give a quick intro to your service. Like most other free photo gallery templates in this list, this one is also made using the latest web development frameworks, hence customizing this template will be an easy job.
Smooth scroll effects and hover effects are used to present the contents engagingly to the users. The sticky sidebar design lets the user access the navigation options easily. On the dark theme neat layout, the photographs look lively and engaging.


The PhotoGallery website template lets you share the story along with the photographs. The creator has given you enough text space to let you add a few lines about the photographs. If you are a professional freelance photographer, you can use this text space to explain about the project. The designer has used the white space smartly to merge and differentiate sections and other elements. In the photo gallery page, you get a category filter at the top to easily see the narrow down the search, plus, you also get a search option at the top right corner. If you are looking for user-friendly free photo gallery templates, this template will impress you.


Fotograp website template is designed from a business perspective. The homepage of the template is designed to promote your services and increases the chances of getting a project. The uniqueness of the gallery page in this template is you can group all your photograph as an album. So when a user clicks a photo, they will see all the photos related to that event. You can use this template as a base to create your own custom template. Adding new features and options will be an easy job with this template. The creator of this template has used the latest HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap 4 framework, so you can easily integrate any modern tool with this template.


Flash is a creative gallery website template for photography websites. Rather than just showing your work, this template adds life to your photographs. The creator of this template has used creative shapes for image holders to make this template stand unique from the rest of the free gallery templates. If you are offering a special service for photography, this template is the best option. The designer of this template has given you enough space for text content as well. For example, if you worked in a special candid photography project you can explain the details and your role in the project.
The creative design helps you to present the contents engagingly; for creative studios, this design will be of great use. Visual effects are kept almost nil in this template so that the user can experience your photographs as such without any disturbance. A bright red color scheme is used for the web elements, which looks attractive on the clean white background. Near the footer section, you have a widget for Instagram. Using free photo gallery templates like this will reduce your work.


Imahe is the best website template for photographers and videographers. This template can be used for both personal and business websites. The homepage of this template is treated like a corporate website, where you can clearly explain your services. For the gallery, you have space in the homepage and as well in a separate page. Mostly portrait orientations are used in the gallery sections, if you need landscape orientation you have to make adjustments by yourself. In all the images you have space to add tags so that you can group the contents easily. The users also can easily filter and see the photographs they like.
It is a multi-page template, in all the subpages you have a big image section in the header to add hero image. You can use the image header sections to show related images. A bright yellow color scheme is used in the template for the web elements, which looks attractive on the clean white layout. Like the Flash template, this one also has a full-width Instagram widget near the footer. As this template uses the latest HTML5 and CSS3 framework, you can easily integrate this template with other tools.


Bato is a minimal looking website template for photography and creative agency websites. The homepage of this template is solely reserved for the image showcase. You only have an image slider in the homepage with a split screen style design. Image transition effects are kept mild to match the minimal design of the template. You also have space to add a call to action button in the image slider to take the users directly to the corresponding page. It is a multi-page template so you can use an entire page to explain your project in detail to the users.
The gallery page of this template is almost similar to the Flash template mentioned above. A listing style is followed, which also shows an excerpt of the project detail. Texts are also treated as a part of the design, which gives a lively feel to the template. All the navigation options are hidden behind the hamburger menu. On the clean white background, the colorful images look vibrant and attractive. In the footer, you have space to add contact details, social media profile links, and newsletter subscription form. If you are planning to run an active email campaign, take a look at our well-optimized email template collection with trendy design.


Glint is an interactive website template. The whole template is treated like a photo album. Visual effects are combined with this creative design to give life to your photograph. Each section is treated like a slide, where you can put all the related contents in one place. So the users no need to scroll to see the next contents. As of now, it is a one-page template so it can be used only as a portfolio template or a simple template for freelancers. In this template, you can mention your services and other features along with your work. To give you more screen space this template puts all the control options and navigation options in the hamburger menu.
In the homepage itself, you have space to add social media profile links and call to action buttons to let the new visitors know that you are open for new projects. Since each section is treated as a slide you have plenty of space to add all your images. You can even add video contents in this template. Overall the Glint is a potential website template with unlimited possibilities to create your own unique website template.


Strategy is a perfect website template for freelancers and small business websites. The homepage of the template gives you enough room to explain your services and showcase your creative works. The first thing the users see on your website is the big bold welcome message and your portfolio. Rest of the sections like services and blog posts are added in the later part of the homepage. In all the subpages you have a smart bar near the footer section to show you are open for new projects.
The top navigation bar gives you space to add navigation links. Smooth scroll effects and hover effects are used to present the contents engagingly to the users. Apart from the homepage, you also have a separate page to add your portfolio. Image holders of all sizes and orientations are given in this template so you can add any type of image without any issue. Since this template is designed for personal use, you have space to add only social media profile links in the footer section.


Bitmap is primarily a photography website template. The pixel perfect design of this template makes it a perfect fit for studios and personal websites as well. From the header to the footer most of the space is reserved for the images. Image holders of all sizes are given in this template, so you can add images of any size and orientation. In the header, you have a full-stretched big image background with parallax effect. You also have a content box in the header to add few lines about your site and call to action button to take the user to the portfolio section.
It is a multi-page template so you get a separate page for the gallery and a section in the homepage as well. The gallery section and the page have almost the same grid design with equal spacing. In the default design, four columns are given to organizing the images. At the top of the gallery you have the category tab, to easily switch between different categories. The images open in a fullscreen lightbox to get a better view of your photographs.


Studio, as the name implies this template is created by keeping the studio needs in the mind. If you are a freelance photographer this template will be a great choice. We have made a complete list of templates for freelancers take a look at it for a better idea. Images are the core element of this template design. In the homepage you get only image slider, that shows the images in a full view. All the images in the queue are shown as image thumbs below the image slider. Blinking dot is used to show the current image, apart from the homepage you also get a separate page for the gallery.
The gallery page has a masonry style grid with image holders of different sizes to help you add images of any orientation easily. This gallery also runs on an ajax based design, as the page loads your next set of images appear. If you need to add pagination to the gallery page you can do it by editing few lines of coding. This template uses the HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap framework.


Sonar is the most creative free photography template in this list. The designer of the template has made a premium quality homepage design. If you really want to make a website that stands unique from your fellow competitors, then this is the template for you. The homepage ticks all the major points of modern web design. Patterns and texts are used well along with the overall design of the template. Your work, that is your photographs are put to the core of this template design. In the header, you have an image slider with portrait orientation. Some of your images may be cropped out because of this portrait orientation.
Visual effects add extra elegance to the creative design of this template. To give your image more space, the navigation menu options are hidden behind the hamburger menu icon. The gallery page also follows the creative design. In the gallery header, you have split screen design to add an image and say few lines about your work. The category options are also placed in the header of the gallery page itself.


Archiro is a premium class website template you get for free. As a package, this template gives you three homepage variations and all other subpages pre-designed for you. Though this template is designed for architects andconstruction websites, the primary design of the template gives lots of space for images. Since architects need to showcase their design and explain it to the users, both text contents and image contents are given equal importance. This business website template gives you lots of promotional elements and interactive elements. Creative design of this template is combined with creative effects to bring this template to life. Along with the homepage variations, five blog page templates are also given in this template. If you are a developer you will find this template extremely useful for your projects.


Explorer is a pure personal website template for photographers and graphic designers. With the minimal design, this template helps you to create a content focused website. No distraction elements are given in this template, even the visual effects are kept mild in this template. In the homepage, you option to add welcome text at the top and the photo gallery in the main area. Footer space is completed within one line where you can add social media profile links. Apart from the homepage this template gives you other pages like services, about, and contact. This template doesn’t give a separate gallery page in its package. If you are a freelancer, the services page will be of great use to you. The services page has line icons and lots of text to explain your services in detail to the users.


Aside is basically a food website template. If you are a traveler and share your journey with great images, this template is the best choice. This template serves two purposes, it acts as a blog template and a gallery template as well. Even in the single blog page most of the page space is reserved for the images. To make use of the full-width design of this template, the navigation menu options are kept on the left sidebar. Visual effects play a vital role in this template and at the same time, it is not overexploited. In the homepage you only have space to add images, image holders for both portrait and landscape orientation are given in this template.


Connect is another minimal design based website template. The full-width layout of this template is used effectively by big content blocks and image holders. Again the default homepage design makes it a perfect option for personal use only. The portfolio page is designed just like the homepage with split screen design. Alternate image zoom in effect while the user scroll will amaze the first time, visitors. The designer of this temple has given importance for the texts as well to make readability easier. Lots of white space used in this template, help the colorful images look more vibrant and attractive. The clean design makes this template best fit for both designers and photographers. By keeping this template as a base you can create your own custom photo gallery template. As most modern HTML template, this one also uses latest HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap framework.


Format is a multipurpose business website template. With mild color scheme and properly structured gallery helps you to display your images elegantly. The gallery section in the homepage is given right below the header section in a 2×3 grid. Zoom in effects is used when the user hover over the images. Since it is a multi-page template, a separate page for the gallery is also given in this template. The gallery page has flexible rows and three column design. The gallery is designed like a continuous grid without any space between each cell. In all the subpages you have a space to add video in the head and a contact form call to action button in the footer. For more creative contact form design inspirations, take a look at your contact form template collection.


Foto is also designed like the Studio template mentioned above. But the designer of this template took a completely different design approach when compared to the Studio template. The overall design of this template follows a photo album like a design. In the homepage, you have a heavily bordered image slider. The white borders are used to add a logo, navigation links, and other footer links. Transition effects in the image slider are smooth and gentle, it is designed like a premium image slider WordPress plugins like Revolution slider. Since it is a free HTML website template, you get only one transition effect. In all the image slide you have space to add a heading of the image and a tagline.
The creator of this template gave us two gallery design in this template. One of the gallery design helps you to show less number of images on a page, but you can show them clearly to the users. White the second design, purely depends on the quantity; you can all your images as a small thumbnail. In the footer you have the option to add show thumbnail option when the user sees a set of images in full screen, you can use this space to show the thumbnails of the next images.


Photography is a simple one-page template for the photography studios. If you are about to take your business online this single page website template would help you. Though it is a one-page template, the designer of this template makes it long enough to accommodate all sections. In the default design itself, lots of space is reserved for the image contents. The advantage of a one-page template is that you can maintain the website easily. At the same time, you can make a content focused website. Even if you can change this one-page template into a complete business website template with few more pages The developer of this template made the coding flexible enough to customize it easily.


With the full-width layout, the Cocoon template gives you a perfect design showcase your photographs. The creative studio-style design puts your projects to the core of the template design. On the homepage, you have a masonry grid style gallery with cells of different size. The cells of different sizes give you the freedom to add images of any size and orientation without any worries. To give a contrast look, the sticky navigation menu bar remains black and the main content area remains white. The filter options are given in the sidebar and the content area is solely dedicated for the photographs and other types of contents. Not only the homepage and gallery page is given importance, other subpages are also given equal importance Based on the type of page, the web elements are added perfectly.


Droppler is an album style website template. Each section in the homepage is treated as a slide. This slide design gives you the whole space on the screen to show your images or videos elegantly to the users. Since it is an HTML5 website template, you can add videos without any trouble. Texts are made bold and bigger, which makes readability easier. Visual effects are used throughout the template, but they are used in the right proportion. So you can engage the users visually and also present the contents interactively to the users.
Because of the slides like full-screen design, the navigation menu options are kept behind the hamburger menu icon. In the hamburger menu, you get a full stretched search bar at the bottom to help the user easily find the website contents. The gallery page is designed like a masonry grid, dimensions for each cell is given for your reference. With this design, you can even promote your affiliate brands For example, if you take a look at some applications that use a slide like design will put a promotional slide in between the slides to improve the chances of visibility.


Sun is a portfolio website template for professionals. With the minimal design, this template gives more importance to the website content. The user can enjoy your work without any distraction. In the homepage, you have the option to add image gallery and a few lines of welcome message. If you are having a big logo for your site, this template has reserved the correct space for you. The top left corner is the apt place and size reserved gives your logo a better visibility. This template is a brand focused template, even for the page loader, this template uses your logo. Which makes this template a best fit for both business and personal use. If you are an upcoming brand, elements like this help you to get brand visibility among the site visitors To match the minimal design, the visual effects are also kept simple.


Portfolio, as the name implies this template is designed specifically to showcase your work. This template is the best choice for photographers, artists, and graphic designers. Though this template uses full-width layout, important sections are designed to be a block Being a one-page template each section is made big enough to handle all images and web elements. The designer of this template gave the elements we would normally require in a website. Even if you wish to make this template into a multi-page template, you have the base to start one easily. Animation effects and visual effects are almost nil in this template but worry not, this template uses the latest HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap framework, you can customize it easily to the coolest look you want.


Amado is a minimal website template for an eCommerce store. This template is designed for small brand stores. The core design of this template will help you create a beautiful looking gallery template. Being an ecommerce store template, you have plenty of space to add images and you also get filter options. Both the homepage and the shop page give you the gallery design In the gallery page, right beside the left navigation menu, you have the filter option.
Each image holders are big and have enough distance between each other to present the images elegantly to the users. If you are into pagination design, this template just has the thing you want. In all the pages just above the footer, you have the space to add a promotional banner and email subscription box. You also get a separate page for discounts, but you have to configure it manually.


Balay is another website template for architects and interior designers, but with this template, you get only one homepage design. To satisfy the creative professionals this template is also designed creatively. Lots of spaces are reserved for the images in this design. So you are not restricted within the gallery page alone to add your photographs. Since this template is designed for the business use you get plenty of promotional elements. Other useful elements you get with this template are animated countdown, neat line icons and call to action buttons. The sticky left sidebar gives you space to add your logo, navigation menu bar, and the social media profile links. The gallery page in this template also have the visual effects to give life to the photographs. Instead of using ajax based loading, this template uses paginations.


Interior, as the name implies this template is also an interior design and construction website template. It is a complete business website package, the creator of this template gave all the options we need to create an effective website. Image holders are made with blunt edges to make it fit in well with the overall modern design of this template. The sticky top bar is made semi-transparent to give a glass like look while the user scrolls down At the top bar, you have the option to add contact details and social media profile links. To increase the credibility of your business, the designer of this template has given testimonial carousels in all the pages.


Pemodule is a simple base website template. You can use this template to create your own custom website template. This boxed width website template helps you to make a simple website to showcase your project. Since the color scheme of the template and the background color are similar most users won’t feel the boxed design. Parallax images between the sections give a lively feel as the user scrolls down the page. To help you make use of the given space effectively, the navigation menu options are hidden behind the hamburger menu. This template uses the latest HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap framework with industrial code standards. So the developers will find it easy to work with this template.


Suppablog is a creative full-page website template, which has a perfect design photography websites. The gallery page in this template is designed like a horizontal scroller with portrait orientation. Hover effects are used to show the texts related to the images, you also have the option to add corresponding full post link. It is a multi-page template, all the subpages follow the same simple design with a creative layout. Based on the type of page the layout changes a bit. For example, in the about page you have a full page design without sidebars. If you are building a website for an influencer or a leader in an industry, this template is the best option. You can use this template as such without making any changes.


Wedding as the name implies this template is the best one-page website template for event organizers and wedding photographers. This simple design website template has lots of colorful web elements and image holders. The gallery section in this template is designed like a fully stretched horizontal carousel with portrait orientation. In the default version, you don’t have the option to open the image in a full view. For professional use, you can add the full view option. Like most other free photo gallery templates in this list, this colorful website template uses properly handled HTML5, CSS3, and the latest Bootstrap frameworks. Hence, customizations can be done easily in this template.

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